The Wonders of Boswellia Neglecta Essential Oil: The Black Frankincense

We are proud to add a unique new aroma to our collection, the essential oil of Black Frankincense, Boswellia neglecta. Its rich aroma and extensive health benefits make it a gem among essential oils. As with all of our oils, this one is harvested sustainably, without harming the trees, ensuring that future generations can also benefit from its wonders. 

We partner with trusted ally FairSource Botanicals to bring you the best of the best aromatic botanical wonders. This resin is hand collected by Samburu women as supplementary livelihood and then small-batch distilled locally. The collection of the resin is completely  sustainable due to the lack of tapping, and the trees are monitored to ensure they are not threatened or in decline. However, as with other frankincense supply chains, the harvesters are traditionally disempowered and exploited, with low prices and frequent failure to pay by traders. As a result, our focus is on paying truly fair prices for the resin and acting as a stable, reliable partner for the community. 

Whether you're looking to enhance your skin health, boost your immune system, or find a natural way to relax, Boswellia neglecta essential oil will provide a one-of-a-kind experience. 

Samburu women in Kenya collect the naturally oozing resin, never cutting the tree.

Origin and Plant Profile

Hailing from the Horn of Africa, specifically countries like Ethiopia and Somalia, Boswellia neglecta is a deciduous tree that can grow up to 15 meters tall. With its thin, peeling bark and a sparse, irregular crown, this tree is a sight to behold in its native habitat. The trifoliate leaves, small white fragrant flowers, and woody seed capsules add to its unique appearance.

Harvesting and Cultivation

The resin of Boswellia neglecta, which gives us the prized black frankincense essential oil, is harvested sustainably. Resin is not actively tapped like other frankincense species. Instead, the resin lumps are collected from natural exudations that occur when pressure builds up in the resin canals or a passing animal scratches the tree. This hardened sap, or resin, is then collected, cleaned, and processed to extract the essential oil. This harmonizing “tree’s blood” is harvested by a community of Samburu women in Kenya, making it a product of community effort and tradition.

Benefits and Uses

  1. Anti-inflammatory Properties: One of the most significant benefits of Boswellia neglecta essential oil is its powerful anti-inflammatory properties. This makes it a potential natural remedy for conditions like arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

  2. Respiratory Health: Traditionally, this essential oil has been used to treat respiratory conditions such as asthma, bronchitis, and sinusitis, thanks to its ability to reduce inflammation in the airways.

  3. Skin Health: The anti-aging and skin-healing properties of Boswellia neglecta essential oil are noteworthy. It can reduce the appearance of fine lines, promote skin elasticity, and even diminish scars and blemishes.

  4. Stress and Anxiety Relief: This essential oil is a favorite in aromatherapy with a calming and grounding effect. It promotes relaxation, mental clarity, and can significantly reduce stress and anxiety levels.

  5. Immune System Support: By reducing inflammation and promoting cellular health, Boswellia neglecta essential oil can boost the immune system. Traditionally, it has been used to treat infections, fever, and other immune-related conditions.

Conservation Concerns

While Boswellia neglecta is not currently listed as a threatened or endangered species, it is important to note that it faces risks from habitat loss and overharvesting. Sustainable harvesting and conservation efforts are crucial for the long-term survival of this invaluable tree. Your purchase of this oil helps keep a unique regenerative harvest project thriving.  

Blair Butterfield

Communications Director and Essential Oil Smeller

Frankincense Sacra